8 ways to treat flatulence

8 ways to treat flatulence

Many people suffer from flatulence and gas, whatever the cause, stomach problems or after eating a fatty meal, and this bloating ranges from mild to moderate or severe depending on the case, as gases accumulate in the stomach for several reasons, either as a result of eating and drinking, where gases such as accumulate Carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen in the stomach, or as a result of swallowing air while eating or drinking, which leads to the accumulation of oxygen and nitrogen in the digestive system and then flatulence, so we offer you the best ways to treat flatulence.

The best medicines to treat flatulence are found in Adam's pharmacy, you can order them online.

What are the causes of flatulence?

It is normal to have suffered from the problem of gas, but have you ever wondered what is the cause of gas?

The release of gas from the gut is a natural process that occurs about ten times a day, but a person who suffers from excessive bloating has a significantly high rate.

 Among the causes of increased stomach gas:


  • swallowing more air due to smoking, chewing gum, soft drinks, and eating quickly.
  • Eat certain foods that increase gas production during digestion, such as legumes, cabbage, broccoli, raisins, and fruits rich in fructose and sorbitol.
  • Where these foods need a longer time to digest, or contain components that are not completely absorbable, which leads to fermentation by colon bacteria, and the release of gases from them, which leads to the occurrence of gas in the abdomen.

But there are some pathological causes, so what are the causes of pathological gases and flatulence?!!!

Abdominal gases may be the result of certain diseases, and among the most important causes of frequent pathological gases are:

  • Constipation.
  • Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
  • The inability of the body to digest lactose.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Diabetic.
  • Celiac disease (hypersensitivity to wheat gluten).
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Ulcers.
  • Autoimmune pancreatitis.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

What are the symptoms of gas?

Symptoms of flatulence may appear as follows:

  • Involuntary expulsion of gases in the form of wind or burping.
  • Severe pain or cramps in the abdomen, and the pain occurs anywhere in the abdomen and the location of the contractions can change quickly, as if the person feels that there is something stuck inside the stomach cavity, and sometimes the cramps are severe.
  • If the pain occurs on the upper left side, the pain may be misinterpreted as being related to heart disease, but if it is on the right side, the misdiagnosis is also made as gallstones or appendicitis.

Treating abdominal gases in natural ways 

There are some foods that increase the production of gases and thus increase the possibility of bloating, and therefore reducing the intake of these foods may help the patient in treating abdominal gases, so the patient must write down the names of all the foods and drinks he eats, to know which of them may It causes bloating, and examples of these foods are: 

  • sugars, it is recommended to reduce them because they are easily digested and broken down in the digestive system.
  • Dry legumes, fruits and bran that contain fermented carbohydrates. It should be noted that the problems caused by fermented carbohydrates are not limited to producing more gas, but rather stimulate germs to develop tooth decay, thus reducing the intake of these foods brings the patient many health benefits.
  • Milk and milk products. Some people who are lactose intolerant may notice an improvement when they reduce the intake of dairy products. It can be replaced with milk or milk products that are lactose-free or low in lactose, as these products have the same nutritional value as regular milk.
  • And in the case of complete abstinence from drinking or consuming milk and dairy products, it is possible to obtain calcium and vitamin D from other sources; Such as: bread, juice, fortified breakfast cereals, calcium and vitamin D supplements.
  • Alcohol, it is worth completely abstaining from drinking alcohol, as it hinders the digestion of food in the intestine, and this, in turn, keeps food in the intestine for a longer time, which leads to increased gas production.
  • Fried foods rich in fat, as reducing them helps the food to empty from the stomach quickly, allowing gas to pass into the small intestine. 
  • Foods rich in fiber, as it is recommended to avoid eating them for several weeks, and then return to them gradually, and in this context, it is recommended to consult a doctor to ensure that you eat dietary fiber in a healthy manner. 
  • reduce the intake of foods rich in sulfur compounds; Especially if the smell of gas is annoying, and these foods include: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower.
  •  It should be noted that foods that are high in protein may also cause the appearance of an unpleasant smell of gas, and this requires dilution. 
  • other types of foods and drinks that should be reduced; Such as whole grains, artificial sweeteners and soft drinks. 

Herbs to treat flatulence 

One of the ways to get rid of flatulence is to eat foods rich in fiber, drink enough fluids throughout the day, and avoid foods that cause bloating such as cabbage, beans, whole wheat, broccoli, lentils, apples, and foods that take a long time to digest. .

There are also natural home remedies that help get rid of bloating and treat flatulence, including:

  • isan effective home remedy to reduce stomach problems and relieve irritable bowel syndrome, as it acts as a sedative for the digestive system.
  • Cinnamon soothes the stomach and aids in digestion. It also reduces stomach acid secretion, which helps get rid of gas.
  • Simply add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm milk, and take it whenever you have gas.
  • Ginger, With its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, ginger helps soothe the stomach, reduce inflammation, treat indigestion and thus expel unwanted gas.
  • To get rid of gas quickly, you can chew a small piece of fresh, raw ginger right after eating.
  • also a natural remedy for reducing flatulence, as they contain powerful plant compounds that aid in digestion and prevent gas formation.
  • Simply add 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds to a cup of water, let it boil over low heat for 5 minutes, and eat it after it has cooled.
  • Carom seeds, an Indian spice similar to mustard seeds, contain a compound called thymol, which reduces the secretion of gastric juices, as it treats stomach gas.
  • It is recommended to add 3-4 teaspoons of clove seeds to half a cup of boiling water, and drink it after filtering.
  • Apple cider vinegar works effectively in reducing stomach gas and treating indigestion, by adding two tablespoons of it to a glass of warm water and letting the mixture cool down, then eating it to calm the stomach.

In the event that these prescriptions do not lead to an effective result, you can consult one of Adam's pharmacy pharmacists to prescribe the medication that suits your condition.


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